Recipes / Dinner /

Reverse Grill Steak

Reverse Grill Steak
Prep Time:
Cooking Time:
Credit: A Pleasant Little Kitchen
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Author note: The amount of steak used will determine your salt and pepper. Be liberal with the amount of salt used. Remove steak from refrigerator for about 1 hour prior to cooking. Reverse sear method works best with thick steaks, about 1” or thicker. The low temperature grilling portion of this recipe can be done in advance, up to an hour or so.

1) Salt and pepper to taste. Some of the salt will fall off during cooking, so be liberal.
2) Prep grill for indirect heat at 250 degrees. An oven at 250 degrees will also work.
3) Allow steak to cook until desired doneness as indicated by an instant read thermometer. This will take around 1 hour depending on your desired doneness (I prefer 135° for medium-rare).
4) Remove steak from grill and wrap with foil.
5) Set up grill for high heat around 500 degrees. Heat a cast-iron skillet over the grill, allowing several minutes for it to reach temperature. This can also be done on a stovetop burner.
6) Add 1/2 tablespoon butter and ½ tablespoon canola oil to the skillet. When the butter is melted and distributed around the skillet, add the steaks. Cook the steaks for 45 seconds per side. Remove steaks and allow to rest for 5 minutes before serving.